1. As a business entity, do you have a marketing plan?
Yes No Please select your answer.
2. Are you able to convert your marketing plan into deliverables?
3. Does your business follow a branding and communication strategy?
4. Do your marketing collaterals reflect your core business?
5. Is your website a reflection of your business?
6. Is the media aware of your business?
7. Has advertising helped to successfully build visibility for your business?
8. Does your company have a logo which describes the business?
9. Does your company have a name and slogan which echo your logo?
10. Is your brand unique and different from competition?
11. Is your website attracting prospects to your company?
12. Is your brand unique and different from competition?
13. Are you able to change content on a regular basis and maintain a dynamic website?
14. Is your site a one-stop-shop for both internal and external customers?
15. Do you know who visits your site and what sections do they read?
16. Do you know how to roll out your advertising plans?
17. Are your POP’s (Points of Presence) and other marketing materials appreciated by customers?
18. Do you have challenges creating brochures, catalogs, mailings?
19. Do you have video content which describes / portrays your business?
20. Does your booth and collateral which is displayed in a booth attract people?
21. Is your website yielding results in the form of increased traffic?
22. Are your marketing efforts meeting with success?
23. Is your brand gaining recognition?